Hello, again.

Spring has sprung. Summer is upon us. The dread of the past year? Present, but fading. For all of this, we are happy and grateful. Save just one thing:

Unlike schools and businesses and restaurants, the Open Space right here in our midst, is still closed. We haven’t forgotten. We hope that you haven’t, either. It’s time to recommit to opening Martha now…and forever.

The pandemic did not slow our efforts. We have recently filed a reply brief to our Environmental Impact Report (EIR) in Appellate Court. This continues to be a fight worth fighting. We believe that the EIR is flawed. It simply does not address and mitigate the severe environmental problems that developing Martha would create. Among them,

  • dramatically worse traffic on Tiburon Blvd. If you think it is bad now, stay tuned;

  • construction road safety is very real, it is not someone else’s problem;

  • insufficient water pressure on Martha becomes our fire-season problem as soon as construction begins.

We are not alone in our battle on this front. The Town of Tiburon has filed a separate appeal to the EIR, citing:

  • traffic safety on local streets (there it is, again);

  • the real threat any development on Martha poses to endangered species. Enough said.

Both TOS and the Town of Tiburon continue to challenge Martha's disregard of vital requirements of California Environmental Law.

Challenging Martha’s development is, we believe, something that we must do! This is one of those issues: if not us, who? If not now, when?

We ask you to join us in the who and the now! We need your help.

And while that process continues, the appraisal process grinds on. We want to keep Martha open, to us all, and forever…and must fight on several legal and financial fronts in order to realize that objective.

Will you help us? With fresh air to breathe, life newly opened, fresh promise on the horizon, we ask you to do what you can to help us remove every impediment that stands in the way to Martha being open for every generation that will call this place home.

We, and they, would be grateful.